“I had the opportunity to work with Dan on the environment art of Uncharted Golden Abyss. He was an important contributor to the final polish of the terrain art and I often relied on his strong aesthetic eye for important final frame solutions and artwork. He’s a smart guy and often thinks outside the box: he proposed ideas and processes that helped us deliver console-like graphics on a portable device. Dan is a good communicator and a talented artist and I’m glad that we got to work together on UGA.”
“I worked with Dan on Uncharted: Golden Abyss for a year while I was at SCEA Bend. Dan was an instrumental member of the team as he drew on his past experience to enrich our technology, art, and the game as a whole. Dan also was a great worker who had no problems helping me as I needed it. Dan’s attitude and talent alone will make him a great addition to his next team, and his ability to teach inexperienced artists during production make him an asset that any studio would be lucky to have.”
“Dan is a great artist and terrific problem solver. He made some serious contributions, not just to asset creation, but to game features as well. He’s fun to work with and great at his job."